Miguel Lopez, the founder and CEO of Storynamics, says that when he first started this company, his dream was to make educational graphic novels to reach out to underserved communities in America. Storynamics' comics use visuals, color and story to "save the day" for many people in America who are living in poverty and illiteracy by presenting healthcare information to them in an accessible way. Storynamics' unique format can increase willingness to read, comprehension, retention and readership by 74% and higher, educating people in households with low health literacy about making good healthcare choices.
When Lopez first pitched his idea to companies, he cast a wide net over a broad market, and the response was low. He knew he needed to narrow his focus to the people who really needed his product, and he came to desarrollo for help. The collaboration and workspace he found at desarrollo allowed him to bounce his ideas and hypotheses off of other startups facing similar problems, and eventually to refocus his efforts on healthcare, where there was a real need to reach out to people who had little knowledge about managing their health. Desarrollo allowed him to go through the learning process necessary to identify where there was a real need for Storynamics. The company now serves the population that needs it by focusing on pharmacies, pharmaceutical companies, healthcare providers, insurance companies, and local government entities as its main customers.
Collaboration and community at desarrollo helped Storynamics to reach underserved communities with information about a wide range of healthcare needs, from the challenges children with diabetes face at school testing their blood sugar levels, to the importance of adults living an active lifestyle. Storynamics still uses desarrollo's space for the collaborative atmosphere, and pays it forward by helping the other startups to overcome their own challenges.
Storynamics is an example of the power of community to transform a dream from a great idea into a viable, sustainable company.
About desarrollo [de-sar-rol’-lyo]
desarrollo, is a community initiative to support Arizona entrepreneurs of any stage or size. We look to develop a community of collaboration, growth, knowledge and inspiration to develop Arizona into a premier destination for entrepreneurs.... And Do It in Less Than Five Years!
For more information, visit www.desarrollodeaz.org
desarrollo [de-sar-rol’-lyo] – Spanish for development
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